Introducing Louise Hart

Louise Hart joined Tracy James Hearing in 2020.

Louise assists Tracy with the wax removal service, hearing tests and children’s appointments, plus she also offers tinnitus and hyperacusis services. She also runs Tracy James Audiology Training courses which are delivered to provide British Society of Audiology (BSA) Certificates in impression taking, surveillance audiology and basic audiometry and tympanometry.

Louise says ‘I really enjoy training and have pride in helping individuals enable their skills to the recognised standard of the British Society of Audiology. I train GPs, teachers of the deaf, assistant audiologists and any professional who works in the hearing industry’

‘With regards to tinnitus, I provide the only independent tinnitus and hyperacusis management service in West Berkshire at Tracy James Hearing. We know the earlier we intervene in helping people manage their tinnitus and hyperacusis the more successful the outcome for them. Despite research on drug or physical interventions on tinnitus, at present none seem to consistently reduce tinnitus well enough; this is why management techniques are used to combat tinnitus.  For over 20 years chronic pain sufferers have successfully been using cognitive behavioural techniques to manage pain, and we now have more studies showing the same success with tinnitus.

Louise will tailor a programme to you to help your tinnitus and/or hyperacusis; these can be provided face to face or through video consultation. For further information on tinnitus please see our Tinnitus management page.

For further information on Tracy James Audiology Training courses, please go to

Allie Astell

I founded Manage My Website back in 2009, building our first ever website on Squarespace 5. Since then I’ve created and project managed more websites on this platform than I could ever have imagined.

Online Hearing Check